Thursday, August 15, 2013

Susan G Koman Race Day!!

This weekend I was able to perticapate in the Susan G Koman Race for the Cure! My mom is a 11 year survivor and my Granny 3 years! I was able to run through the very city better then ever before!  Yes, I walked some of 3.75 miles. But I could tell that with my inches off from Lipolaser and my walking that I was paying off!!
LipoLaser has helped me in so many areas of my life! But to feel the physical effects this weekend were great!! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Inches of Belly Fat coming off with LipoLaser

Following the 4 steps and seeing inches coming off. Seeing the lines in my stomach start to show. Here's comparing my last pic taken and todays selfie at home. Can't wait till my next appt to see how many inches are off!!! 
Slimming Solutions Lipo Laser

Monday, August 5, 2013

Healthy Summer Snack

smoothie recipie for weight loss

So I love fruit and ice cream but it's not exactly healthy. One of the tips I've learned at Slimming Solutions is a great tasting protein and frozen or fresh fruit can be a yummy snack idea

First I add a cup of frozen fruit I LOVE LOVE this mixture. If you are using fresh fruit you are going to want to add some ice cubes to keep make it cold.

Then I add a scoop of protein powder. I like vanilla but their is also a chocolate flavor. Protein will act as a thickener like ice cream would but it's SUPER healthy for muscles.

Add 8oz of water and blend! 

I will drink this after my walk or between meals if I'm hungry. But it hits the spot when I'm wanting a shake or some ice cream.